Halloo! My lovely readers..
See any changes in my blog? I bet so you have seen them because I have changed the URL to this blog which is;'http.anisfatini-lifesparkles.blogspot.com' and the blog title is 'Life Sparkles'. Why did I give it this name? Because life does sparkle with a little effort and God's love. The backround is still the same but the posting text I changed it to Georgia Font. I saw many cool blogs a few days ago, they looked like websites to me. Just far too awesome and they beated me without fighting. ( Actually, we didn't have a competition. Haha).. I am quite happy with it now, I'd like to think of a header. Hmmm, should I draw it? Or copypaste it from the internet? I just don't know. Haha. That's all for now. Keep on smiling!
Comelkan? Hehe.. |
Take a smile, dude :) |
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