Monday, 28 November 2011

Mahkota Wanita

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh to all the muslims who are reading this.. and a big 'Hye' to all my bloggerpeeps :)

We always hear about the word 'aurat' right, ladies? In my class, if a girl fold her sleeves a little and is seen by a putera. He will just straight to the point shout at you like this;

Puteri: *Folds sleeves, just a little*
Putera: Oii! Aurat bha tuhh. Kau ingat bagus ka tunjuk?

Its not that I'm saying the putera are wrong. But its a ladies duty to cover her crown. Her beauty can only be seen by her lawfully husband. It sounds weird. WHY DO WE HAVE TO COVER IT? ITS NOT LIKE WE'RE DOING ANYTHING WRONG? like say what? You say its not wrong? Sometimes, I always think why do they were this? why do they pick this type of clothing to wear? Takde baju lain ke nak pakai? Miskin sangat ke? but, I remember. Allah hasn't given them the hidayah to cover it yet. We shouldn't scold them, but advise and pray for them to change. Its not that hard to cover it. Biarlah orang cakap kita tak pandai ikut trend, di akhirat kita-lah paling trendy dan bahagia. Tutup aurat bukan menyusahkan tapi memudahkan perjalanan ke Syurga.. Renung-renungkan dan Selamat Beramal :)

Aurat itu Mahkota Wanita<3

Cute tak? Kat rumah bolehlah buka aurat (kalau takde Mahram)

That's all for now :)

Hidayah Allah

Salamun Alaik, Ya Ukhti 'wa' Akhi sekalian :))

Hari ini saya ingin mencerita tajuk tentang hidayah Allah. Hidayah Allah terbahagi kepada lima, iaitu;

:Hidayah al-Wijdan at-Tabie’i
:yang bererti petunjuk yang timbul daripada perasaan mengikut tabiat semenjak lahir ke dunia seperti lapar, dahaga, panas, sejuk, sakit dan lainnya. 

: Hidayah al-Hawas 

: iaitu petunjuk pancaindera yang lima iaitu mata, hidung, telinga, lidah dan kulit. Petunjuk yang terhasil daripada rangsangan pancaindera ini memang perlu bagi keselamatan diri manusia dalam menjauhi sesuatu yanhg membahayakan serta menimbulkan perasaan untuk mendekati sesuatu yang memberi manfaat kepada diri.

:Hidayah al-’Aqal :
: iaitu petunjuk berasaskan akal iaitu suatu alat yang dianugerahkan oleh Allah sebagai penimbang dan memikirkan sesuatu yang disampaikan oleh rangsangan pancaindera.

: Hidayah ad-Diin :
:iaitu petunjuk dari langit yang dinamakan agama yang bererti peraturan yang diturunkan oleh Allah untuk keselamatan dan kebahagiaan hidup manusia

:Hidayah Taufiq: 
:iaitu pemberian petunjuk berserta dengan anugerah kemahuan dan kesanggupan dalam diri untuk berbuat segala sesuatu yang membawa kepada keselamatan dan kebahagiaan hidup dunia dan akhirat.

Sebenarnya, saya copypaste sahaja. Tapi, harap-harap anda dapat membacanya kerana saya telah memendekkannya.. Tak salahkan baca sesuatu yang memberikan faedah kepada kita kan?? Hehe.
Wallahu A'alam.. Senyum! Jangan tak senyum, bersyukur Allah telah memberikan hidayah kepadamu.

Always keep Allah near your heart <3

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Modern Dialogues..

Assalamualaikum, dear.. Bloggerpeeps of the World :)

I'm going to share some tips today, which I just read in the 4th Issue of the GenQ Magazine. Its all about our Modern Dialogues that we, Malaysians say. Some of these phrases that come out from our mouth might raise Allah's anger on us. So let's change our daily dialog to a much better phrase that can produce reward for us in the Dunia and the Akhirat...

For instance, we always say;

1.) Fuyyooooo...gempak giler!  ~ SubhanAllah!                                       

2.) O.M.G!! Oh Gosh! ~ Ya Allah!

3.) Terbaekk!! ~  Alhamdulilah!

4.) Cilakak! (Unknown Meaning) ~  MasyaAllah!

5.) Haiyerr! Terlupalah pulak! ~ Allahuma Solli 'Ala Muhammad..

6.) Astaga! Punyalaaa! ~  Astaghfirullah..

7.) Eeee. Gilababeng teroknya! ~  Na'uzubillah..

8.) Opocot! ~  Allahu Akbar..

9.) Hek Eleh..~ La Ilaha illallah..

10.) Okayy! Orait! ~ InsyaAllah...

You see? These things can give you lots and lots of benefits later. Its much better saying good things than rather gossiping and swearing right? Who's with me? Bak kat pepatah; Kerana mulut, badan binasa. Just because of the mouth, something really bad happens to you.

For example;

Girl A:  Bodohnya kau! Rugi masa ibubapa kau sahaja hantar ke sekolah!
Girl B: Ya laa, aq bodoh...

In another situation;

Girl B: Awak, Si A cakap saya bodoh.. saya sedihlah.
Girl C: Ye ke? *Celuparnya* mulut Si A tu! (YOU SEE?)

People will start to label you like; Celupar, Big Mouth...So its sure to destroy you dignity! So be careful of your words.. They may haunt you back! Hehe.  Wassalmun Alaik. Her's a funny picture of the mouth-head.

Talking Mouths...

Friday, 25 November 2011


Assalamualaikum, semua! Hari ini akak nak ceritakan tentang.. mimpi akak pada hari Selasa lepas. Hihihi
*Macam kat Rancangan Budak-budak plak* Haha.

Well, as you may see, I am in love with photography. I love the way professional photographers take pictures. They look so pretty and so nice! Haiyerrr. Kalau-lah saya dapat camera black tu. Kalau dia hitam saya kasi nama dia BlackyCam. Haha. So when my siblings ask me where is it. They must say ; Mana BlackyCam? Kak, nak pinjam. NOT ; Mana kamera hitam tu kak? Sedih tu camera nanti kena cakap gitu. Hehe. Berangan. Sudahlah tak dok kamera, sudah bagi nama. Back to English speaking, a few says ago I had a very, very good dream. Yes! You've guessed it *Ada guess tak?* Its about a camera. A Cannon, I think. But its colour is RED. Metallic Red, it looks so pretty! Okay, the dream now, and it goes like this. Take me by the tongue I'll know you... Haha~ Move like Jagger!

The dream went like this. I was downstairs in my house and I was wiping the dinner table while waiting for my parents to come home from work. Then I got a call from my mother she said " Kakak, umi ngan abah balik lambat sikit yer! Tengah beli barang ni." and I answered " Umi kat mana ni? 1 Borneo ka?" and she answered a 'Yes'. So, I hung up the phone and went downstairs to prepare some food for my siblings. I fried some nuggets for them. Suddenly, while we were all eating, a dash of light came from outside of the gate. Yeah, my parents have come home. It was around 6.30PM and after my father parked the car. My mother went inside holding a big red Cannon Camera like this;

My mum holding that beauty

Yeah! I was so shocked! But suddenly in my hands there was an Holga camera too. Like say what? What is a HOLGA CAMERA??? And the situation was like this;

There's the black star. Hehe.

Yeah! Very weird, but I really do it will come true! Umi or Abah, if you're actually reading this. Please buy me a big camera. I've been craving for it for months now! Pretty Please! Haha. Just joking. Kalau dapat, Alhamdulilah.. Thank you for reading! Tata, folks! :)

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Holidays with Homework?

Heyy, you! Yaa. The one who is reading this. YOU ARE AWESOME. Thanks for visiting :)

Sejarah Notes..

That book up there is my Sejarah Textbook and my Note book. I am doing my Sejarah notes for next year. Awal kann? Memang kena suruh pun. Tapi, okay la jugak buat kerja homework ini. Haha. Well, I am having to do Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. Form 2, History is more on the British invading Malaysia. Geram! Mentang-mentang tiada pelabuhan pergi rampas orang punya. But now, its history. Simpan safe-safe dalam buku. Hehe. I like making mind-maps. I like drawing too. Best jugak Sejarah, but we must actually remember it like a film or a drama. Like how, British took Singapore from Sultan Johor. ( Sultan Abdul Rahman ) Who was under the 'naungan' of  Netherlands. How, Stamford Raffles tricked 'Belanda' and Sultan Abdul Rahman, by using the Perebutan Takhta with Tengku Hussien. Looks and sounds like drama right? Well, that's all. Got some more to continue. Bye-bye and Wassalam :)

My Face and Jarumophobia

Hey. Peoples :)

Okai. People cannot be added with an 's' BUT it sounds cool to me. Haha. Understand ka? Kalau tidak, diam-diam. My story for today is about what in the world happened to me. I think I got the 'cacar' atau demam campak. OR in English, chicken pox. But its not, there's been like thousands and thousands of humans all over SMKAKK asking me. I felt tired of answering so I just said. - don't ask me, cause I don't know.
I already went to the doctor's and i got 4 kinds of different pills, 2 kinds of lotion. Hope It'll be much better, but I know only Allah can cure me. :D

Okei. Different story now, a few months ago. I was finishing my KH project. (Tak siap-siap lagi sampai sekarang) Hehe. Sewing was all I have to do but, you know me. Do you? I hate sewing atau boleh dikatakan dalam bahasa Melayu- MENJAHIT. Arghh! That word gives me the goosebumps since primary. Yeah, kena suruh menjahit. Ambil pun ERT kenalah belajar syllables dia. I was patiently sewing (Tahan geram) and I decided to stop and take a snack in my locker. I was with my friends, Alisa, Nana and Khaleeda (Who were sleeping), Hana Fateha and Fatin Firzana (My good cewek) at my dorm. I was sitting in front of my 'Merahi' and put my sharp needle (cacak) on it. Like this!

Drawn by: WhippedPotatoLover

And all the actions were just like this. My hand slammed the jarum cacak and got into my hands and broke.

Cucuk! Cucuk! Haiyerrr.

And it became like this... Hampehnyaaa! Punya sakit. Tapi first-first saya masih blurr mode. Macam nothing sejaa. And then Hana tolak the jarum, punyalah sakit! Urgh! Saya mau nangis sudah sebab dia tidak keluar. Then in a few minutes, my good friend, Hana quickly pulled it. It felt like.. Nothing. I was still screaming but when I looked it was not there anymore. Hehe. Happiness at heart. Macam mau mati saja tengok tu jarum tengah bercucuk.


Yaaa. This is the time when I felt truly embarrassed. Haiyerrr! Jarum-jarum. Bikin sakit hati betul! :'(

Bikin sakit hati :'(

Hasil daripada perkara di atas, saya telah mempelajari bahawa kita haruslah menjaga diri elok-elok dan tidak boleh menjadi seorang yang cuai dan blurr dalam perkara seperti ini. Haha. So bloggerpeeps! Be careful with needles. They hurt. Kalau mau try, boleh bha. Cubalah, memang rugi tue! Tata! Wassalam. :)

P.s/ After this happened, I told the whole asrama about it(well, not really)  and during school I went to every class and told about it. So funny! Until now, I have learned to be very careful with needles. Everytime I hold them, my hands sweat really bad. Kesian saya! Huhu!

Thank you for reading and also to Alisa, Hana, Nana, Khaleeda and Fatin. For being my saksi :)

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Food is Food!

Assalamualaikum and Hayyyoooooo, Bloggerpeeps! :D

Telling about all my favourite types of food and when I started to eat them. So, its kinda like a food history post to me. Haha. I am a foodlover, actually.. Fast food lover. I like to eat, just like my friend, Maizatul Sakina. The wierd thing is I won't get fat. I'll just stay normal. That's why I eat a lot. When I'm hungry, I'd hunt for food. Just like what I do in the hostel. I think I am the hostel's 'most food in locker' girl. Because I buy lots of food, so I can stay-up at night, well not really. I can't be the last sleeper, BECAUSE. Well, I don't like being one. Last sleepers yang kena tutup pintu, sudahlah malam..macam-macam boleh terbayang. Haiyerr. Okay, about food now.! :)

Nuggets :)

Up above there, are some nuggets! Yaaaa. My favourite. Kalau dulu di asrama kalau kempunan makanlah nugget di kantin. Haha. When I was in primary, i used to buy nuggets all the time. Memang sedap tak terhingga, apatah lagi kalau dah panas-panas pastu letak sos. I can feel it now in my mouth. Hehe. Sejak kecik lagi saya suka makan nugget. Tapi kalau dulu-dulu beli Nugget ABC. Sekarang takde dah.. kalau nugget ABC tue I always make my name because the shapes of the nuggets are all alphabetical. Nice kann?

Pizzaria! :)

Yaaa. Pizza! This is is a Pizza. Pizza's were made in Italy, I think laa. Not too sure. When I was in Scotland, I never liked Pizza. I HATED CHEESE!, Gosh! I hated the smell. I wished they never existed! And it all became my favourite when I went to my friends house, that time I was extremely hungry, and all there was, was a pizza (double was.haha) So I tried to eat, and 'wow' a new flavour just reached my tounge! And that was when pizza became my favourite food. Haha :)

The Tempe :)

I love Tempe Its made out of soya beans, I love Soya Milk too! Sodap! Hehe. It all started when my maid cooked some tempe with ikan bilis. It was my first time seeing tempe, so I asked ' Kak, apa ni? and then my mum came in and said, 'Tempe, try-la sikit. Soya ni'.. so I tried. And WOW again, memang sedap. Crunchy but masin-masin but sweet.. memang sedaplah, yang belum pernah try makan. Pergi makan! Tak rugi tue! :)

The WhippedPotato :)

This is my favourite of them all! Whipped Potato, my nickname came from this potato thingy. Hehe.
AnysSo Potato. Nicee ka? Hehe. Made with potatos and gravy sauce. I liked them since my dad bought mashed potatos at ASDA. ( A supermarket in the UK ) Scrumptious and delicious all good to eat! I like this so much, if they were 100,000 of these in my fridge, I'd be the most happiest person of them all. (Macam!)

Well, that is all about my favourite food. Memang suka sangat-sangat makan. Hehe. Wassalam and Tata! :D

Monday, 21 November 2011

Islami Deena!

Assalamualaikum! :)
Tak jawab berdosa, kalau jawab ' I love you!'

You see this? What's that BIG word in the middle? ISLAM right? Yea, my religion. I am proud being one. 
I am a Muslim and I am happy. Let me tell you about my religion. Islam means ' Safe' and Peace. Islam is easy, no forcing allowed. Eventhough, it is easy.. Jangan pijak kepala, it also has DISCIPLINE. For instance,
the Prayer. It has it times, its ways of doing it.  

Subuh; Early in the morning. ( Teaches us to wake up early and not waste time in the morning.)

Zohor; In the afternoon.

Asar; In the evening.

Maghrib: When its dust.

Isyak; At night time. ( Teaches us not to be lazy and perform night prayer. )

See? How Islam can help you in your daily life? That's why I feel grateful being a Muslim. Thank you, Allah for making me a servant who is a believer in your beautiful religion! THANK YOU ALLAH :)


Sunday, 20 November 2011

This is my class. :)

Assalamualaikum, bloggerpeeps :)

Hari ini, saya nak cerita sikit tentang kelas saya yang tercinta. Kelas yang paling syok, sporting, awesome yang pernah saya duduk suatu ketika dahulu. Uisehh. Tu ayat bhaa. Haha. Its got the most nicest people in it. Thats why I really love this class a lot. There's many, no.. TOO MANY unforgetable memories that we all cherished together. I am very proud to be called a '1 Bukharian Knight'.. I don't know what to say now. So I'm sharing with you all about ma'  awesome classmates! Here it goes..

Mursyid:  He's our class monitor. He's talkative but very funny. He likes Korea, haha! A kind and chubby little fellow he is. A very hardworking guy too.

Alisa:   She's my Best Friend, and my roomate. She's clever, very clever. She got the Imtiyaz award lots of times. I am very proud of her. I hope she can still continue her excellent results, till the PMR 2013 and her SPM 2015.

Syahirah: Ahah! She's also my bestie! She's a hardworking gal. She's helped our class so many times.. I appriciate it a lot. Thank you, Hera! I salute you gal! :)

Sharifah: She's our 'Bendahari' She is responsible and very cute! My back door neighbour, and my hostel neighbur. Her job is to collect money from our class for the usage of book and etc. Haha, Thanks Myra!

Aina: She is Myra's helper. When Sharifah is not around, she will collect the money. She's cute and chubby too! A clever girl, especially in Arab. I salute her too! :D

Maizatul: Ultraman! She's a very cute and has a round face. She also got the Imtiyaz award. Clever aite? She is very fanatic of cartoons. Thats why it makes her unique in a very special way. Everyone loves her!

Shaheera: Yaa, we have 2 Shahira's here. Syahirah and Shaheera. We call her Adeq, cause she is the youngest. Eventhough she's young, she has a very inteligent brain. Got 5A's in her UPSR. :D

Hannani: A great artist indeed. She is good in Science and also Arab. She's very talented. I love her drawings very much. She's cool and tough too!

Hamizah: We call her Mimie. She has round eyes! She's very cheerful, she can go crazy at anytime! Cute and funny too. She's an outsmarter :)

Mariah: My classmate since Primary 6. She's too has round eyes, but cuter. She is clever and determined. She likes Taylor Swift because she is very kind and helpful besides her beauty. A pretty girl she is.

Farah: My soulsister and roomate! She's cute too! She's very sporting and is very good in maths. She is good in Malay too. I love being her roomate very much! A very kind-hearted girl she is.

Zahirah: Farah's bestie. She also has the Imtiyaz award! She's quiet but can be loud at times. She's clever and I hope she'll stay like that. A very sporting girl. she is.!

Lyana: Nana Mus! is her nickname. The daughter of a doctor. She is rich, but she doesn't show it. Very humble aite? A cute young lady too!

Faizza: A very determined and religious girl. She always advises us to cover our aurat. A maths genius and also an Arab genius too. Love being her friend!

Adi: A tall guy. He's very cool, but he's got a lot of BSL's, but now..he's changed. Like people always say. Everybody makes mistakes, cause nobody's perfect.!

Aiman: A chubby boy. Maizatul's cousin. He has beautiful eyelashes. He is the class clown. He likes to mumble around. He might be stressing at times, but still.. He is a good guy.

Amir Imran:  He's in love. Haha, my friend from Primary 6 too. He can draw very well. He's a good guy too.

Irfan Elahee: We actually have 3 Irfan's in this class, this Irfan, and another 2 Irfan's that you will later on. This Irfan is a music lover. He knows many English music lyrics! Sometimes he sings in his class with his buddy, Apek.

Imran Taufiq: His nickname is Apek, or Prof. Imran. He is very annoying but has lots of knowledge about the history of Islam. His dream is to let freedom for Palestine! I hope it does come true someday.

Adli Musthaqeem: An intelligent genius he is. A good friend of Fifiey. He is very annoying too. Haha

Eirfan Mirza: He is the other 'Irfan' but the name's spelling is pretty different. He likes to laugh and is very sporting! Its fun being friends with him.

Irfan Zufayri: The third 'Irfan'. He is intelligent too. His father is a Geografi teacher, thats why his Geo's results is an A. Not fair! Haha, JK.

Danial Afifi: This is Fifiey, a smart guy. He is tall and quite sporting but can be annoying sometimes. His nicknames are Fifiey and Apoi. Haha, rhymes with..tuut! Hha. JK

Amir Farhan: The rich guy! Hehe, terkenal dengan BESTA-nya. He has treated the class with PaddlePop Ice-cream. He is very nice and is a good guy too. Funny tau! Hehe.

These are my awesome classmates, its a honour to meet you guys! Love you peeps! :)

Dream Camera :)


Its me again. Like duhh, I am the admin. Only I have the password. Haha. Just stop by to tell about my dreams!
Everybody has their own dreams. Yes, even I do. I have lots of types of dreams, Thingy dreams, things that I dream to get and Futuristic dreams like getting 9A's and 11 A's for PMR and SPM. I am gonna talk about my Thingy dream today. Which is to get a.. CAMERA. Not the small type, but the big and black one :) Liike the Nikon D3100 or the Cannon DSLR. Yea, they're awesome :D I really love photography and I started to like it from my friend, Nur Syahirah. She's a great photographer! and I like photo editing too. Here are some photos:-

Cannon is Nikon's best friend :)

Nikon. Cannon bestie!

Any Changes?

Halloo! My lovely readers..

See any changes in my blog? I bet so you have seen them because I have changed the URL to this blog which is;'' and the blog title is 'Life Sparkles'. Why did I give it this name? Because life does sparkle with a little effort and God's love. The backround is still the same but the posting text I changed it to Georgia Font. I saw many cool blogs a few days ago, they looked like websites to me. Just far too awesome and they beated me without fighting. ( Actually, we didn't have a competition. Haha).. I am quite happy with it now, I'd like to think of a header. Hmmm, should I draw it? Or copypaste it from the internet? I just don't know. Haha. That's all for now. Keep on smiling!

Comelkan? Hehe..

Take a smile, dude :)

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Ciri-ciri Wanita Syurga..

Salamun Alaik.. bloggerpeeps :)

Sini saya ada sedikit ilmu yang nak di-share pada anda semua. Sikit je pun. Tapi harap bagi kesan yang mendalam pada semua especially, muslimah di luar sana. Hehehe.. 15 Ciri Wanita Syurga.

Yang pertama, dia mestilah BERTAQWA.. Of course-laa, mesti bertaqwa.. sebaik-baik kamu adalah yang bertaqwa....
Yang kedua, dia mestilah beriman kepada Allah, Malaikat, Rasul, Hari Kiamat dengan Qadak dan Qadar tak kira baik atau buruk..
Yang ketiga, dia perlulah bersaksi bahawa tiada Tuhan selain Allah, dan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W adalah pesuruh Allah, mendirikan solat, membayar zakat, berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan dan menunaikan fardhu Haji kalau sudah berkemampuan..
Yang keempat..dia mestilah seorang yang mempunyai sifat IHSAN, iaitu beribadah seakan-akan melihat Allah..ataupun, dia merasa akan ada Allah yang sentiasa akan melihat dia.
Ciri yang kelima pula, dia ikhlas kerana Allah. Bukan kerana nak tunjuk-menunjuk, tapi kerana takut kepada Allah, azab seksa,  mengharapkan kasih sayang dan rahmat daripada Allah Ta'ala.
Yang keenam..dia suka dan gemar membaca kitab Allah, berzikir, mengingati Allah ketika susah mahupun senang dan sentiasa mensyukuri nikmat Allah disamping berdoa selalu..
Yang ketujuh, wanita syurga sentiasa mengamalkan 'Amar Makruf, Nahi Mungkar'..
Ciri yang kelapan adalah sentiasa berbuat baik kepada keluarga, jiran tetangga, anak yatim, fakir miskin, semua makhluk, dan binatang yang dimilik..
Yang kesembilan...menyambung tali persaudaraan terhadap orang yang memutuskannya, memberi kepada orang, menahan pemberian kepada dirinya, dan memaafkan orang yang menzaliminya..
Yang kesepuluh adalah..dia seorang yang adil terhadap semua makhluk
Yang kesebelas..dia menjaga lisannya daripada perkataan dusta, saksi-saksi palsu dan menceritakan aib-aib orang lain..
Yang ke-12, dia sentiasa berbakti kepada kedua ibubapanya dan yang terakhir..teng..teng..teng......sentiasa menjaga maruah dirinya selain drpd silaturahimnya dengan orang lain..

Itu sahaja.. saya harap dapat ubah jadi contoh-contoh begini..step-by-step, it sure makes a lot of difference.. Hehe, Wassalam :)

My Classmates in 1 Bukhari 2011

This picture came out for the Buletin Hari Raya :)

During our Farewell Party ..

Our Breaking Fast during Ramadhan..

Berbuka Puasa bersama Sir.. :)

1 Bukharian Kights :)

Our Class Teacher, Sir Iskandar Padzil! :D

Oppsss.. I forgot to give 'Salam' at the start.. Hehe!..That's all from me. I love my class very much!
I hope our ukhwah will never end! Okaii.
All of one, One for All!... Together, we stay united :D

Cough. Sniffles and the Fever.

I am gonna start with a new header. Selalukan 'today' so now, I'm going to start with.. Tommorrow.               Haha, no bhaa.  Assalamualaikum, fellows of the whole entire world :)

I've got a severe cough right now. Last night, I couldn't stop vomitting. Yargh! Huhu, its been terrible since. But I can't 'rungut' because it is Allah's challenge on me. I've already ate the medicine, and now I feel a little bit better. Thank God! I also have the sniffles, (selesema).. It feels like water, and its sooo runny. I don't like it. Huhu.. and also the fever, I feel hot in the inside and feel extremely cold in the outside. Its the holidays now, but it has been ruined by this sickness of mine. Aiii, jgn merungut. > talking to myself. Haha, that's all. Byebye. Ciau, Wassalam!


Sunday, 6 November 2011

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha!

Assalamualaikum, Bloggerpeeps and readers :)

I'd like to wish to all the muslims : Eidul Adha Mubarak!
I hope it'll be filled with joy and happiness.. Remember the story about Prophet Ibrahim dan Ismail.

Actually, Aidil Adha is all about sacrifice for the sake of Allah. Like in the story and it starts like this..

> Prophet Ibrahim had a dream sent by Allah, it was about him sacrificing his son, prophet Ismail. After waking up, prophet Ibrahim told his son about the dream. His son politely asked " Is this Allah's order?" and his father anwered " Yes, it is. Are you willing to do it?" said Prophet Ismail " If it is Allah's order I am willing to do it, father." So, with a heavy heart Prophet Ibrahim brought his son to the desserts. Suddenly, a syaitan came and provoked him by saying " Are you crazy, Ibrahim? Why are you going to sacrifice your son? Don't you love him?" Prophet Ibrahim was not tricked by the syaitan, instead he threw stones at the syaitan to make him go away. From that part, people who go for Hajj will have to throw  'Jamrah' as a symbol of Prophet Ibrahim throwing the stones to the syaitan. Then when they arrived, prophet Ibrahim placed his son on the ground. He put a piece of clothe around his eyes and when the knife almost reached Prophet Ismail's neck..Allah Almighty changed Prophet Ismail with a goat and he was saved. The End. <

From this story we can see that no matter whatever you do, whoever you love .. Allah is always first. :)
Well that is all, remember Allah..sacrifice your breathe, the ones you love and your property just for Him and you will get a big.. BIG reward. InsyaAllah~
Look at this Test-E Card. Got it from IluvIslam<3 Tengok! Jangan tak tengok! :D

Sedia berkorban kerana Allah :)