Bismillah. Haiiiiiiiiiiiii. Guess what? I think this year's holiday for me was a very travelling one actually.
I loooove travelling. A few days ago, my umi and abah had a conference in Kuching, sooo they decided to bring us three siblings too..you know just to have a look at how other people from other places lived. Hee :D
Since it was a conference, we didn't get to go places much. Just lepak-lepak at the hotel je la but still at least riding in the car and sight-seeing a little was awesome. Bersyukurlah kan? :)
One of the most interesting facts about Cat is that it is one of the MOST CLEANEST CITIES in South-East Asia. Wowwww! and from what I see, Yes! It surely is. You can hardly see any rubbish around. I wish that the whole of Malaysia could be like that and Malaysia would be the most cleanest country in the world which by the way is most of the European countries like Sweden.
Anyways, while I was there, I stayed at the Pullman Hotel, Kuching. Seriously, the place is really awesome.
Cause its food made my weight increase 2kg. ^-^v
You may not know about my current weight right now. So don't bother.
I've been eating a lot over there and in Kuching-lah is the place where all the food in my
"What I wanna try to eat during the holidays" list have actually been eaten. All okay, see muu aaa.
Here's some of them
1.) Sushi and other Japanese food
It doesn't taste good though. I almost vomited. Sorry sushi.
I ate Oden and Soba Noodles though and they tasted yummy. Hihihi.
2.) Dim Sum.
I never knew that Chinese cuisines were kinda delicious.
Actually, I wanted to eat with chopsticks, so that's why I chose to eat these. Hahahaha. cause using spoons is too mainstream? I mean, I'm so jealous of my friends who can eat with chopsticks. So during class a few months ago, they taught me how to use chopsticks by using pens as a demo. Hahaha. Thank you guys! :)
In Sarawak, one of the most popular dishes is Mee Kolok.
Mee Kolok is like Noodles, and its kinda Mamak punya style but it has fishballs and prawns in it.
Thats my only explaination. It has veggies with it, but I ate it without sayur cause I don't like em. At all.
You must be thinking I'm missing out on something right? Oh well. I can eat some like kernel corn, potato (of course), green peas, petai, tempe (is that sayur?) kacang panjang and bendi, banyak bha itu.
So till here my post. Goodbyeeee!
Ohno tak lama lagi nak ambek result!!
So till here my post. Goodbyeeee!
Ohno tak lama lagi nak ambek result!!
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