Tuesday, 11 September 2012


**Please watch the video**
The truth will set you free<3

I feel very-very-very sad about my post for today, I've seen many, many grief-striking photos about the people in Syria. 
I've seen children being killed 'ramai-ramai'
massacre. is the word. 
I looked closely to the photo, it looked like SACKS OF RICE. 
but it wasn't. IT WAS DEAD BODIES. of the very young children who have been slaughtered by the 
Rejim Bashar Al-Assad.
Inalillahi Wa-ina Ilaihi Ra'ji'un.
I know that these children will be happy in Jannah one day.
May Allah bless their souls. Amin.

*I can't put any pictures because its too sad to see*
Anyways, I hope for all of us to pray for all our Muslim brothers and sisters all around the world,
not just Syria. Islam has to stand up now, because its falling.
WE should stand up for Islam.
Spread the dakwah. Don't let the enemies step on us like how Islam is right now.
Lets not just be proud of past.
Make sure we're proud of the what we've made in the future to make the people of the past proud.

Look at where we were
And look at where we are
And tell me
Is this how he'd want it to be?
Oh no! Let us bring back our glory

[Sami Yusuf- My Ummah]

Hurriyyah Li Suriyyah
Freedom for Syria.