Hello, Hello, Hye.
It's January! :) |
Selamat Datang and Assalamualaikum :)
Yeahhh. Its the school season! Back to School + Hostel. Oh Wait, I stay in a flat. Anywayssss, Its been 3 days since school. I've been given the chance to go home. So, yeahh. Happy!
I've been stressed a lot right now. I've LAUGHED so much, and suddenly became sad.
Astaghfirullah! How shame of me to do that. I'm in 2 Bukhari, Alhamdulilah. I really hope to catch-up with those cleverpeeps over there. Huhu. Yesterday, I cried because I missed my happy-go-lucky class.
I hope that our house is safe from *makhluk halus, gangguan-gangguan and sebagainya* Amin~
and I happy to say that I am the Setiausaha for the 2 Bukhari class. Alhamdulilah, boleh juga beri perkhidmatan ini. Wish me the best! Thank you, people :)
Wassalam! SyukranThankYou for reading :)
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Every of Allah's planning has a very good reason :) |
Yeahhh. Its the school season! Back to School + Hostel. Oh Wait, I stay in a flat. Anywayssss, Its been 3 days since school. I've been given the chance to go home. So, yeahh. Happy!
I've been stressed a lot right now. I've LAUGHED so much, and suddenly became sad.
Astaghfirullah! How shame of me to do that. I'm in 2 Bukhari, Alhamdulilah. I really hope to catch-up with those cleverpeeps over there. Huhu. Yesterday, I cried because I missed my happy-go-lucky class.
1 Bukharian Knights!!! Berbengkak mata, merah! Huhu. And then, one of my classmates- Imran Taufiq, we call him Apek or Prof. Apek. Whateverla, he's going to move. Sedih juga-la, sebab dia ni orang kuat beri ilmu. Tak kedekut ilmu-lah, is what I meant.
Apek, kalau kau baca ini aku mau minta maaf-la. Jangan lupa kami semua kawan-kawan kau di 1 Bukhari. Rajin-rajinlah belajar. (Uisehh! Macam aku ni rajin belajar) Haha.Teruskan perjuangan anda Jangan pernah putus asa and, the last one but not least. Bersabarlah dengan ujian yang menimpa ye :) Free Palestine! Hehe.Anyways, banyaknya *Anyways* I love it in my new hostel. Its great! Many new experiences! Like getting up the flat. My house is so high! I have no energy to get up. Haihh. Tidak apa, kita boleh tue! A few days ago our ampaian* collapsed! Haiyerr! Geramnya! Boleh-boleh dia terjatuh. Mungkin sebab banyak betul barang kami jadi collapse. I live in the rumah Yellow! and I'm happy. Alhamdulilah, nothing that bad has happened.
I hope that our house is safe from *makhluk halus, gangguan-gangguan and sebagainya* Amin~
and I happy to say that I am the Setiausaha for the 2 Bukhari class. Alhamdulilah, boleh juga beri perkhidmatan ini. Wish me the best! Thank you, people :)
Wassalam! SyukranThankYou for reading :)
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Rumah Yellow :) |
APEK : aq x bace pown..jadi aq x maafkan agi..huhuhuhu...Lain kali larr...hahahahha.. Nasihat dari Apek kali ni.. "Berapa org yg membawa lampu di jalan??Dan berapa org yg membawa lampu di tempat yg terang benderang??" x paham tny aq kat FB atau tanye dgn Cleverbot..huhuhhu..
ReplyDeleteSebutir Pasir: Apek, haha. Kasi maaf seja la. Nanti susah karang :DDDD