Monday, 23 January 2012

Turun Padang, Tengok Belog..

Hayo-Mayo. Assalamualaikum :)
Hello peoples..

Miss me? Its been a long time since I have been blogging aite? Today I'm going back to the hostel..
I have no mood anymore. I feel very wierd in my class, its not like the 1 Bukharian class last year. So busy, so happy, cheerful. Not like my new class, 2 Bukhari. Its sooo... QUIET, OMYGOSHHH. huhu.
At least, I have some of my besties here. But still. Haishhh, biarlah. InsyaAllah, okay jugak tue. I'll still believe that everythings gonna be okay, and 1 Bukharian Knight will always be in my heart <3
Love you, knights :)

Now, I'm in 2 Bukhari. Alhamdlillah, tetap Bukharian. Bersyukurlah sangat-sangat sebab I never thought of going there. Our new name is...
2 Bukharian Techno'Teens :D
with the idea of Anna Mausar, my lovely Ketua Keceriaan or as we say the Graphic Artists ^^
Here's our new Organization Chart:-

Class Teacher I
>Teacher Syaliza Soleh

Class Teacher II
>Ustaz Amir Hussin Baadul

Class Monitor
>Muhd. Danial Afifi
Ahmad Nasir

Asst. Class Monitor
>Nurfaizza Syuhada Komnal

>*Nurul Anis Fatini Nordin*
meeeeee :D

Treasurer                                                          Asst. Treasurer
                            Siti Solehah Zamli                                                Aina Athirah Afendi

and we have..
Avicenna Peeps (Akademik)
Robot Helpers (Kebersihan)
Graphic Artists (Keceriaan)
Spiritual Bearau (Kerohanian)
Farouqian Gems (Disiplin)

Our theme is BLUE and its all about Technology ^^
Ipad 'Wa' Iphone
Kayys, bye. Wassalam :)

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Selamat Tinggal 2011, Welcome, 2012 :)

Eh? Dia terbang nak gi mana? :(
Hello, hello, hello, hello. Hye! Assalamualaikum :)

Yeahhhh. Everybody is all about the New Year aite? Well, most of the people. I feel sad because if it's the new Hijrah Year, nobody cares. LIKE SAY WHAT? WHY THE BECAUSE, man? Sedih kan?  Susah-susah sahabat Nabi S.A.W buat kalendar Hijrah untuk umat dia. We senang-senang lenggang-lenggang just act like WE DON'T CARE?! huh. Seriously, I don't like it that way. Anis, CHILL. Anyways,

May this year be a much better year for us, InsyaAllah. Amin~

So, you peeps already have your own resolutions? I have though, and I'm really needing to achieve it.
Yeahh. You people got? Hope they'll be achieved! Anyways, I have to go! 

Have fun and May Allah bless you people always :)

Be happy :)

School Starts, All New..

Hello, Hello, Hye.
It's January! :)
Selamat Datang and Assalamualaikum :)

Every of Allah's planning has a very good reason :)

Yeahhh. Its the school season! Back to School + Hostel. Oh Wait, I stay in a flat. Anywayssss, Its been 3 days since school. I've been given the chance to go home. So, yeahh. Happy!
I've been stressed a lot right now. I've LAUGHED so much, and suddenly became sad.
 Astaghfirullah! How shame of me to do that. I'm in 2 Bukhari, Alhamdulilah. I really hope to catch-up with those  cleverpeeps over there. Huhu. Yesterday, I cried because I missed my happy-go-lucky class.
1 Bukharian Knights!!! Berbengkak mata, merah! Huhu. And then, one of my classmates- Imran Taufiq, we call him Apek or Prof. Apek. Whateverla, he's going to move. Sedih juga-la, sebab dia ni orang kuat beri ilmu. Tak kedekut ilmu-lah, is what I meant. 
Apek, kalau kau baca ini aku mau minta maaf-la. Jangan lupa kami semua kawan-kawan kau di 1 Bukhari. Rajin-rajinlah belajar. (Uisehh! Macam aku ni rajin belajar) Haha.Teruskan perjuangan anda Jangan pernah putus asa and, the last one but not least. Bersabarlah dengan ujian yang menimpa ye :) Free Palestine! Hehe.
Anyways, banyaknya *Anyways* I love it in my new hostel. Its great! Many new experiences! Like getting up the flat. My house is so high! I have no energy to get up. Haihh. Tidak apa, kita boleh tue! A few days ago our ampaian* collapsed! Haiyerr! Geramnya! Boleh-boleh dia terjatuh. Mungkin sebab banyak betul barang kami jadi collapse. I live in the rumah Yellow! and I'm happy. Alhamdulilah, nothing that bad has happened.
 I hope that our house is safe from *makhluk halus, gangguan-gangguan and sebagainya* Amin~
and I happy to say that I am the Setiausaha for the 2 Bukhari class. Alhamdulilah, boleh juga beri perkhidmatan ini. Wish me the best! Thank you, people :)

Wassalam! SyukranThankYou for reading :)

Rumah Yellow :)