Its been a long time since I've updated my blog. Dah berhabuk dah. *meniup-niup debu* hahahaha.
I've been spring-cleaning it. Actually, timbul juga idea nak delete blog, tapi rasa macam rugi pulak tau. Hehehe. Saaaaayang blog. Sampai ambil masa berjam-jam lamanya. Fuhhhh~
Haha, actually, I wanna write about my the lastest camp that I just participated with my bestie, Aliso~
[Skor A seperti Al-Fateh!]
This camp is all about leadership. Well everything you do all of them need leadership,
When two people go on a journey, one of them must be the leader, rite?
Well, the 'penceramah' is an Ustaz. Who can speak Arab fluently and is very awesome.
[Ust. Muhammad Syaari Abd. Rahman]
Beliau pernah menjejakkan kaki ke 'tanah di antara dua benua'-Turki untuk menjalankan kajian tentang Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh. He studies about how is Al-Fateh's strategy to fight with the Byzantine people, and so on. Mesti best gila over there~ I too wanna have my footprints there, so wish me luck so that I can study there ^^'
I'm in the process of learning Turkish and French :)
Alhamdulillah, I got lots and lots of knowledge since I went to this camp and to actually update this blog again was because of me joining the camp. Heheh. Alhamdulillah :D
This camp taught me the habits of successful people. Muhammad Al-Fateh is one of them~
Firstly, BE POSITIVE :)
Positive, postive like what?? For example: when you're down in the dumps, bila diri ditimpa masalah..
never underestimate what Allah has given you~
what I mean is, don't say-
"Kenapa Allah bagi aku ujian berat macam ni?"
"I hate life! I should die, *and then continue swearing*"
or apa-apa yang sewaktu dengannya
Allah will never burden his servants with what he cannot bear [2:286]
You never know, what Allah has done for you is to him closer to him. No-one in this world has never ever NOT been tested.
So keep in mind that, whatever happens, it must have its very own beautiful reason.
Everytime we fall, don't forget to rise again and never give up~
Next, VISIONARY! when we want to achieve our dreams.. we must make it clear!
Don't just..
"saya ingin menjadi doktor"
"I want to be a chef"
Ask yourself, -
What kind of doctor?
What kind of course will you take?
Where will you work at??
"How much is your salary?" Haha.
Because, one of the factors that made Al-Fateh to have Constantinople is with his attitude that is always 'foward-looking'. He used to have the map of Constantinople so that he could find an awesome strategy
so that he can have Constaninople
Well, there's much more to tell, but it'll take too long so, here's some photos from the camp :)
Mindmap :) Kinda not that clear~ |
Some of the notes yang diambil. |
Alisaaaa :) Peneman setia. |
Kak Shikin [left] and Kak Busyro [right] yang awesome ^^' |
Yes! I'm a dream catcher<3 |
Some of the pics during the camp~ |
Hahahahahaahah. Cheyhh~ Terima sijil ni ^^' |
Picture with Ustaz Syaari and the very lucky people who joined the camp :) |
#Pinjam gambar ya~ hehehe.
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