Wednesday, 26 December 2012


Gosh, lama gila since I've been posting. I've got lots of accounts now. :3 [Facebook. Twitter. Tumblr. Blog] Hahahaha, ingatkan nak buat lepas PMR. Well, seems like its ahead of schedule then. -.-' haha.
Anyways, I've seen my friends posts about their homeworks, even I'm not ketinggalan also. HAHA.
 I've finished my Sejarah and Kemahiran Hidup- Alhamdulillah.

I've already arrived from my kampung, sebenarnya dah lama dah, 25hb November lagi :3
Mann, I miss my kampung :/ Now, the family is living in a new home. Its lovely and homey..
and.. I have a new cousin! His name is Syahiq Husoifi :) Lawa tak nama dia? hoho

Big, Round eyes. WAHHHHHHHH! :3
 Its the holidays, so I decided to something I'd never ever thought of doing. Watching Korean drama. I always told myself to NOT WATCH THE DRAMAS. Akhirnya tewas. Why? Because it's storyline is so awesome! Syok giler, no wonder my friends sanggup tidur jam 1, 2 sbb nak tengok Korea plus the hero is always handsome. HAHAAHHAA.. My first ever korean drama is Scent of a Woman. You can watch it at HERE and its all about... hahaha, watch it yourself-lah. Malas nak hurai, I still guarantee that you'll love it to anyone who wants to watch it. ;) AND... since I'm Korean mad right now, I'm in the process of learning Korean. I know how to write my name in Korean! - 아니스♥  (A-ni-seu)

Since its the school holidays, I've been improving my cooking skills. HOHOHO. *bangga sket*
its not like I'm an expert chef or something, but I'm still proud of myself :D I usually cook because my parents are out to work, or because I'm just too rajin.. :p but I don't cook Asian style food like Nasi, or TomYam or segalanya-lah. I cook western food :3 heheheh. I'm not bragging, tpi masakan western ni lebih senang, kalau masakan Asian ni banyak kerja.. (ketara sgt pemalas) but still, I eat whatever I can eat as long as its not veggies or daging. I call myself a Half-Vegetarian.

This Sausage Roll was my first ever attempt. Yes- it did taste delicious. Yela, spa nak mengaku x sedap :p

This one is my second attempt, I made cocktail-ish la. Sebenarnya, mayonis dia x menjadi, but who cares, its still edible ;)
I bet anybody can do this. Roti telur + pepper + mayonis + jagung.
 Actually, I was really excited making this although its really easy, because I added pepper. Kejakunan sbb x pndai guna rempah. -.-' Ah! Did you know, there's a rempah with my name! Orang Malaysia panggil Jintan Manis, and in English its called - Star Anise :) BANGGANYAAAAA SAYA!


This, my friend is Spaghetti.. it looks like a monster to me!

Pishcakes. >O

 The pishcakes were made yesterday, I made 'em with my umi and abah. Although nampak hangit sket, tapi mmg scrumptious! Om nom nom nom. I feel like eating it again and again and again. I should have a lifetime supply of these! Hahahahaha. Okay, we've reached the end of my post, tak lama lagi nak sekolah.. NOOOOOOOOOOO! and next year I'll be in Form 3, and what does that mean?- P.M.R! Wish me luck, humans. In shaa Allah, the 98's will ace it. Ameen ~

P.s/ I'm craving this. Can someone buy it for me? Pretty please? *Mata kucing dlm Shrek*

Syukran! Thank You! Merci! Komawo! Makasehh! for reading :)

Monday, 12 November 2012

It's the holidays!

Yeahhhhhhh! It's the holidays! Wow, how fast time flies, I can't believe we're in November now. 

Well, I've got my results already. Alhamdulillah, ada jugak yang meningkat.
I targeted 6A's but sadly, it didn't accomplished, its okay. I'll have to try again also it was sooooooo close to getting 7A's. My Geography and P.Islam papers were - 78% -B !
Oh well, there's still time for improvement, right?
Anyways, its the second week of the 8 week holiday. I'm working on my History notes. I've just finished my English Literature notes and English Guided Writing. Yeahhh!
I am really not in the mood for making notes, I love jotting down notes but I don't like it if I'm forced to do it.

My lovely-dovely notebooks.

Buku teks yang bertimbun.
I already have the Form 3 Textbooks. Really have to get ready because my batch is the 
Now, that's scary. We have to really make it Gempak! this time. Huuuu~

So, the holidays have come and I'm going to be travelling soon. Haha, travel* lah sangat. Muahahaahah,
Balik kampung je pon. I'm sick right now, I have an ulcer and I have the caries? -sakit gigi. 
I can't wait to go shopping for stuff. IN KUALA LUMPUR! Seriously, although I'm from the Peninsular, I hardly know where I am or what are the attractions because its been 8 years now for me living in Sabah.
I miss my friend already, some of the pictures on the last day of school. :D
Me posing with the camera. -NOT MY CAMERA :3

Nana with the camera~

Me and this rock ustazah ;3 -Diyanaaaa

I like this picture the most. Me and Moii :)

Saturday, 29 September 2012


Its been quite a few weeks since I've been posting.
Allahu Rabbi, two weeks form now I will take my test. SUMATIF II @ Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun. 
 Oh well~ I hope to get good grades. Well, who doesn't?
I wish Malaysia wasn't so exam-oriented. Kids these days can only find the answers to the exams by using the textbooks. Education is for life. NOT for exams. When I was in Scotland, I didn't really have much pressure when it came to a test. Actually, I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE I WAS SITTING FOR A TEST. How awesome is that? I love the way I was taught there. The education there is made for life.  I still remember what I was taught there until now. Alhamdulillah, Thank you Allah for giving me the chance ;) 

I really, really hope to get an A in Maths and K. Hidup especially, because for this entire year, I haven't got a single A yet for these subjects. I'm in the process of studying for the exams. I think it fun studying actually, WHY DIDN'T I NOTICE THIS EARLIER? 
I'm kinda into Maths now since Umi gave me this awesome workbook. Thank you, Umi<3
Well, GTG now. Study! Study! Study! Lillahi Ta'ala. 

Ya Allah, permudahkanlah. Amin. 

# Good luck for everyone who is taking the exams :) May all of us gain good marks. InsyaAllah!


Friday, 14 September 2012

Wedding of the Year

This is a kesinambungan of the my last post [Suasana di Kampung]. A few weeks ago my lovely Mama Teh just got married with my awesome Papa Teh. Their wedding was really colourful and Peach-themed. Anyways, I'd like to congratulate both of you.

I love this picture. Its so lawaaaaaaa <3
This one too :)

Dear Mama Teh and Papa Teh,
BarakaAllahu Lakuma Wabarakah Alaikuma WaJama'a Baina Kuma Fi Khair~ 
Happy Kahwin-Kahwin.. tak lama lagi kakak pulak [HAHAHAHAHA] I love you both. May Allah bless your marrige and may both of you live happily ever after till Jannah<3 :)
                                                  Daripada,  Kakak. Yang Ohsemm.

Hahaha. Berangan tahap Pluto. Just remember, you might not be a 'calon isteri' of a man, but you will always be a 'calon jenazah'. Death is so near. :'( 
Okay, lets gone to the photos bebehhh. :) Hahaha.

The big family : I love this one too. Its soooo lively and real :)

My family with the pelantin :3
Hehehehehe :)

Us :)

Edited by,

Suasana di Kampung :)

Its been a few weeks now since I've been back from kampung. The atmosphere was really, really busy because everyone wanted to get ready for Raya and my auntie's wedding. 
Well, at least I wasn't that busy because I just slept, ate, and took care of little babies and then eat again. HAHA. *anak dara pemalas* Aiyoyoyoyoyo. 
I am really missing them all right now. Why are you all so far away?!? Hmphhhh. 

Anyways, my kampung is in Kedah and Perlis. Not that far, far away right? It takes about 15-45 minutes to arrive from my kampung in Kedah to my other kampung. Senang kann? Heheheheh.
It started with my Mama Tam and Pak Su and then my family. It felt quite boring since its just the three of my siblings. Then a whole big rombongan came and that felt awesome. There was 42 people in that one house. ISN'T THAT SO RAMAI? hahahahaha. Budak-budak nangis here, ada yang ketawa. Ada yang dok main tablet, iphone, ipad, segala benda. Ada yang tidur, makan, tengok TV and the adults were busy, busy, busy. 

Uuuuuuu. I miss the days. Tahun depan baru dapat pergi balik. I miss my kampung. Bye. :'(


Typed by, 

Tuesday, 11 September 2012


**Please watch the video**
The truth will set you free<3

I feel very-very-very sad about my post for today, I've seen many, many grief-striking photos about the people in Syria. 
I've seen children being killed 'ramai-ramai'
massacre. is the word. 
I looked closely to the photo, it looked like SACKS OF RICE. 
but it wasn't. IT WAS DEAD BODIES. of the very young children who have been slaughtered by the 
Rejim Bashar Al-Assad.
Inalillahi Wa-ina Ilaihi Ra'ji'un.
I know that these children will be happy in Jannah one day.
May Allah bless their souls. Amin.

*I can't put any pictures because its too sad to see*
Anyways, I hope for all of us to pray for all our Muslim brothers and sisters all around the world,
not just Syria. Islam has to stand up now, because its falling.
WE should stand up for Islam.
Spread the dakwah. Don't let the enemies step on us like how Islam is right now.
Lets not just be proud of past.
Make sure we're proud of the what we've made in the future to make the people of the past proud.

Look at where we were
And look at where we are
And tell me
Is this how he'd want it to be?
Oh no! Let us bring back our glory

[Sami Yusuf- My Ummah]

Hurriyyah Li Suriyyah
Freedom for Syria. 

Kem Remaja Cemerlang [KRC '12]

Its been a long time since I've updated my blog. Dah berhabuk dah. *meniup-niup debu* hahahaha.
I've been spring-cleaning it. Actually, timbul juga idea nak delete blog, tapi rasa macam rugi pulak tau. Hehehe. Saaaaayang blog. Sampai ambil masa berjam-jam lamanya. Fuhhhh~
Haha, actually, I wanna write about my the lastest camp that I just participated with my bestie, Aliso~
[Skor A seperti Al-Fateh!]

This camp is all about leadership. Well everything you do all of them need leadership,
When two people go on a journey, one of them must be the leader, rite?
Well, the 'penceramah' is an Ustaz. Who can speak Arab fluently and is very awesome.
[Ust. Muhammad Syaari Abd. Rahman]
Beliau pernah menjejakkan kaki  ke 'tanah di antara dua benua'-Turki untuk menjalankan kajian tentang Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh. He studies about how is Al-Fateh's strategy to fight with the Byzantine people, and so on. Mesti best gila over there~ I too wanna have my footprints there, so wish me luck so that I can study there ^^'
I'm in the process of learning Turkish and French :)

Alhamdulillah, I got lots and lots of knowledge since I went to this camp and to actually update this blog again was because of me joining the camp.  Heheh. Alhamdulillah :D
This camp taught me the habits of successful people. Muhammad Al-Fateh is one of them~
Firstly, BE POSITIVE :)

Positive, postive like what?? For example: when you're down in the dumps, bila diri ditimpa masalah..
never underestimate what Allah has given you~ 
what I mean is, don't say-
"Kenapa Allah bagi aku ujian berat macam ni?"
"I hate life! I should die, *and then continue swearing*"
or apa-apa yang sewaktu dengannya

Allah will never burden his servants with what he cannot bear [2:286]
You never know, what Allah has done for you is to him closer to him. No-one in this world has never ever NOT been tested. 

So keep in mind that, whatever happens, it must have its very own beautiful reason.
Everytime we fall, don't forget to rise again and never give up~

Next, VISIONARY! when we want to achieve our dreams.. we must make it clear! 
Don't just..
"saya ingin menjadi doktor"
"I want to be a chef"

Ask yourself, -
What kind of doctor? 
What kind of course will you take? 
Where will you work at??
"How much is your salary?" Haha.
 Because, one of the factors that made Al-Fateh to have Constantinople is with his attitude that is always 'foward-looking'. He used to have the map of Constantinople so that he could find an awesome strategy
so that he can have Constaninople

Well, there's much more to tell, but it'll take too long so, here's some photos from the camp :)

Mindmap :) Kinda not that clear~

Some of the notes yang diambil.

Alisaaaa :) Peneman setia.
Kak Shikin [left] and Kak Busyro [right] yang awesome ^^'

Yes! I'm a dream catcher<3

Some of the pics during the camp~

Hahahahahaahah. Cheyhh~ Terima sijil ni ^^' 

Picture with Ustaz Syaari and the very lucky people who joined the camp :)
 #Pinjam gambar ya~ hehehe.

Updated by,

Friday, 27 July 2012

Ramadhan Kareem~

Assalamualaikum :)
 Ahlan Wa Sahlan, Ya Ramadhan~
Ramadhan Kareem everyone,
If someone says 'Ramadhan Kareem' the answer is Allahu Akram.
Yes, Its RAMADHAN!~  Alhamdulillah :)

Allah has given me the chance to actually feel this Ramadhan so I'm really thankful cause not everyone can have Ramadhan each an every year. 
I really hope that this Ramadhan will be much better than last year's Ramadhan.
Ramadhan is ???
Well, what I've learned from my ustaz is-

Menahan diri daripada makan dan minum serta perkara-perkara yang membatalkan puasa dari terbit fajar sehingga terbenam matahari berserta niat~
Ramadhan teaches us to be grateful for the nikmat Allah gave, not everyone is lucky.
My umi once told me about the Saudi Arabian Mufti cried because of one question.


MasyaAllah. Really sad story. Everyday, we have our break our fast with dates, water and heaps and heaps of food. How about them? Its not just in Ramadhan, maybe the whole year. I really feel sad about this. May Allah grant them heaven [Jannah] because of their patience and may Allah grant us the feeling of always being grateful and sufficient, Amin~ 

That's all really. So, Bye-bye. Have a happy Ramadhan :D
