Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Andai Kata...

HayoMayo! Assalamualaikum :)

Hari ini, saya rasa macam nak tukar bahase hari ni. Hehe :) I just read Maria Elena's bloggie it's really awesome. I love her a lot. My mum showed me a few video's of her. Besttt, rugi kalau tak tengok. Lucu, yang bestnya dia campur-campur bahasa. Rileks la, senang nak faham. Gembira pulak bila saya tau dia dah engaged dengan Asfirdaus Asri. (Tunang Maria Elena)  They look lovely together, May Allah bless you both always.. Erk? Apahe cakap Ongress (Inggeris) ni? haha. Korang kenal tak Maria Elena ni? Saya kenal, sikit-sikit jela. Hehe.I know that she is campur-campur Pakistani and Chinese. Yayy! Like me tapi saya tak de Pakistani and Chinese. Saya ade Indian campur-campur Melayu. -Mamak ke tue? I accept the terms yang muka saya cute dan nampak macam Aishwarya Rai. *Terlebih Menggedik* My Pak Ngah call me Aishwarya Rai. I don't why. Haha, that rhymes! Kalau koran tak kenal. Inilah, Aishwarya Rai- Pelakon Bollywood Terkenal :) 

Inilah dia, Aishwarya Rai. *Sebijik macam saya. :D
*Sesaje nak minta penampar punya ayat* ^^ HAHAHAAHAHA. Okay. Stop Laughing
And This One.... Introducing, Maria Elena (:

Santekkan? Santekkan? :))
Macam orang Arab kan?? Cakap YA! hehe. and the last one, a picture from Maria's blog, on her Engagement Day <3
Asfirdaus Asri & Maria Elena Zarul <3

I love this picture! Memayy sangat cantek. Once again, May Allah bless you both :)
Oh yaaa! I remembered, my father said, If I get STRAIGHT A'S this year, I can get a BLACKYCAM. 
Yesssss! Finally. Nanti, bila Auntie saya dah nak kawen. Jangan risau, Anis nak jadi Photographer. Anis dah retire dah dalam hal-hal Bunga Manggar dan Menyambut Tetamu. HAHA! JK. Okayys, that's all. Tata! 

Wassalam! :)

P.s/ - Bakal dalam tangan..
ReddyCam :)

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