Monday, 26 December 2011

Here Comes

Hello. Hello.Hello. Hye.

A few days ago, my Pak Su Abang and Pak Su Adik came to Sabah. Their first time trip to the outside of Peninsular. -I think.
Anyways, I have no mood to type. So here are some pictures. Look and See *The same right?

Waiting. Tengah merajuk sebenarnya.. HEHE :D

Mana Pak Su ni???

Haaa! Tu dia. Dah datang dahh..

Like twins. They are twins.

Me. And my crazy pose for the night :)

So...Peneshed! Posting more next time! ByeBye! Peoples :)

I love you.......

Assalamualaikum! Aloha!
Uisehhhh. WHAT A TITLE! I Love You <3 beb!
But for who? HAHA. Adelahhh. Okayys, just joking. A special post for my lovely...
nak tau tak?

Who did you think it was? A boyfriend?? Seriously, Tak de mase nak layan bende gini tau*
Okay-okay. Back to the topic, I'd like to say I<3YOU to my parents. and also...

May Allah bless your love always<3
Made it. Myself (:
Happy 15th Anniversary!
May Allah bless you both always

Thank you for everything! I love you 24/7! Muahhh! 
Sayang Umi dan Abah!
Saya memang anak manja. (Jangan nak jelez yer!) Hehe.

Friday, 23 December 2011

Events Oh Events!

Assalamualaikum, Ya Akhi Wa Ukhti :)
Hye! Hello! Dear Bloggerpeoples!

Listen to this song before you read this entry!
حمزة نمرة - هيلا هيلا يا مطر

Sudah dengar? Alhamdulilah, thank you for listening! I like this song because of its Arabic melody. HAHA. Trip pandai Arab la ne* Anyways, I'm feeling very happy and grateful that I have already finished my homework! Syukur! After a few weeks having war with pens, highlighters and books. I have won!
Haha, macam peperangan pulak. Now, I can sit back and chillax (relax) for a while. I feel like ironing my school clothes early so that I don't have burden doing it last minute. *Tengoklah, kalau rajin* Saya bersyukur sangat-sangat! Yayy. Happy! Macam first time ne siap homework.
I made a doodlette of being thankful.
I'm thankful to be in your religion, Ya Allah (:

If you want this picture, I have no problem. Please comment first though! Thank you!
Yesterday, it was the PMR Result Day! Alhamdulilah, 13 students got 9A's. Congratulations! That would be so much fun to get 9A's! When will it be my turn? Huhu. Alhamudulilah, I got 5A's for the UPSR and now I'm waiting for my turn for my 9A's in PMR. Amin! InsyaAllah~ How ______ to get 9A's.. Bestnyaaaaa!
Those who got straight A's try tell me, HOW DOES IT FEEL? hehe. Menunggu giliran sekarang. Huhu.
I want my results to be like this!
InsyaAllah! Amin Ya Rabb~
Yesterday (Again) I look at my Facebook's New Feed and saw a friend of mine's link. About CLEVERBOT.
You people should try it, but be careful. It can an Annoying Orange whenever it wants. Sometimes, it says weird things. Merepek Merapu. HAHA. Sometimes boleh jadi kurang ajar tau. Elok-eloklah ye. 
Its fun and funnier! It can speak much and many things! Punyalaaa. Haha. Wokayys! BubblebyeBye! Wassalam (:

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Almost There..

Salamun Alaik, people :)

It's 11:52PM and I'm feeling pretty tired for the day. *Tired apa, bukan buat apa pun* HAHA. See the title? Yeah! I'm almost there! Alhamdulilah Wa Syukurilah, my KOMSAS is almost finished! I'm left with the Novel- Di Sebalik Wajah. I want to finish this thing TOMORROW!! I wanna have a full week with NO HOMEWORK. -Seriously. The holiday is almost over. Only like one week left, how saddening! Malasnya nak balik sekolah. Haiyerrr! But I want to see my seweks* again. Miss them loads. Anyways, Its 2 minutes to 12 o' clock. So, I'm Outte! Bye folks! Assalamualaikum~


A Doodlette Of Mine (:
Myself Me Myself Me- Edited#

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Minah Tudung with Lyrics

Assalamualaikum, peoples (:

Thought of talking about the FASHION-FREAKOUTS these days. I see many weird *muslimah* fashion styles. Pakai tudung, tapi pakai T-shirt. Pakai tudung, baju ketat-ketat. Wear the muslimah way!
Made By; Kentang Lenyek (NO COPY-COPY)
Got a picture from Chibird again. This happens all the time. Hurghhh, =='

Berlambak beb. =='

 Minah Tudung The Video.

Andai Kata...

HayoMayo! Assalamualaikum :)

Hari ini, saya rasa macam nak tukar bahase hari ni. Hehe :) I just read Maria Elena's bloggie it's really awesome. I love her a lot. My mum showed me a few video's of her. Besttt, rugi kalau tak tengok. Lucu, yang bestnya dia campur-campur bahasa. Rileks la, senang nak faham. Gembira pulak bila saya tau dia dah engaged dengan Asfirdaus Asri. (Tunang Maria Elena)  They look lovely together, May Allah bless you both always.. Erk? Apahe cakap Ongress (Inggeris) ni? haha. Korang kenal tak Maria Elena ni? Saya kenal, sikit-sikit jela. Hehe.I know that she is campur-campur Pakistani and Chinese. Yayy! Like me tapi saya tak de Pakistani and Chinese. Saya ade Indian campur-campur Melayu. -Mamak ke tue? I accept the terms yang muka saya cute dan nampak macam Aishwarya Rai. *Terlebih Menggedik* My Pak Ngah call me Aishwarya Rai. I don't why. Haha, that rhymes! Kalau koran tak kenal. Inilah, Aishwarya Rai- Pelakon Bollywood Terkenal :) 

Inilah dia, Aishwarya Rai. *Sebijik macam saya. :D
*Sesaje nak minta penampar punya ayat* ^^ HAHAHAAHAHA. Okay. Stop Laughing
And This One.... Introducing, Maria Elena (:

Santekkan? Santekkan? :))
Macam orang Arab kan?? Cakap YA! hehe. and the last one, a picture from Maria's blog, on her Engagement Day <3
Asfirdaus Asri & Maria Elena Zarul <3

I love this picture! Memayy sangat cantek. Once again, May Allah bless you both :)
Oh yaaa! I remembered, my father said, If I get STRAIGHT A'S this year, I can get a BLACKYCAM. 
Yesssss! Finally. Nanti, bila Auntie saya dah nak kawen. Jangan risau, Anis nak jadi Photographer. Anis dah retire dah dalam hal-hal Bunga Manggar dan Menyambut Tetamu. HAHA! JK. Okayys, that's all. Tata! 

Wassalam! :)

P.s/ - Bakal dalam tangan..
ReddyCam :)

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

I'm back!

Assalamualaikum and hello, people and bloggerpeeps of the millenium! :)

Alhamdulilah, I got the chance to open this blog of mine (Sebenarnya setiap hari buka) HAHA! but its okay, my homework is almost finished! Drama and Novels, here I come! Yahhhhh! Hehe, semangat ne! Semangat! Anyways, my uncle has arrived. Welcome to Kota Kinabalu, Pak Su Adik! Now, I'm waiting for another arrival of my Pak Su Abang. Kami menunggu di sini.. Yesterday, I watched Bridge to Terabithia. IT WAS AWESOME. Lama suda bha ne cerita, but I decided to watch it again. Its such a spectacular movie I cried so hard. Bengkak mata, merah giler. HAHA. Terlebih emosi, cepat betul menangis ne tau. I love the way they did it. I remember the part - Close your eyes, and keep your mind wide open. Yes! We must keep our minds wide open! Where would the adventures be? If they was no Imaginaton?
Chibird (:

Actually, when I was in the UK, I saw this movie in the ON DEMAND section. I loved the story so much. You people should watch it! Its on Youtube. If you just wanna see the first part, I got it here :) -Click!

Edited (:
Okayys. I'm into a new song right now. The song from Twilight-Breaking Dawn. I don't go to the cinema, wish to but I can't. Its okay though, at least we can buy the DVD's when they're out. Boleh tengok balik-balik.  The song is.... Christina Perri- A Thousand Years : I like it, you peepa should hear it. Really~ Well that's all I wanna story-story today. (: Here's some Chibird. I<3 Chibird!

Oh No! :(
Don't forget to bring your brain too~
Spread the Love. People <3

Tata! Wassalam (:

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Earphones Back!

Hye! Hello! Hye! Hello! Hye! Assalamualaikum :)

How are you guys? Still in an awesome condition? For those who are not, I hope you get well soon!
Makan ubat, minum air banyak-banyak and go see the doctor. I was rather thinking, I update my blog like EVERY SINGLE DAY and play Facebook EVERY SINGLE DAY. Sometimes, I feel quite sad that I'm getting addicted to this, so I'm having to promise to myself not to post anything NEXT WEEK. Oh, its raining now! Is the rain telling me that it won't be acomplished? Nooooo! I am going to stop my Facebook and Blogspot NEXT WEEK. No more playing, finish that KOMSAS of yours! Itu seja pun, bukan banyak. Yaaah! Anis, you can do it! -Giving motivations to myself for a while. Teehee! :) Anyways! I wanted to tell you guys I found an earphone that could fit nicely to my handphone! I've been searching for it since the last 7 months or so. I found it when I was cleaning my room! I got an Mp3 from my school for getting 5A's in the UPSR. *The Mp3 was rather old-fashioned though* So, I decided to try and fix them in my handphone. It fitted PERFECTLY! I jumped of joy! Wheee! Yayyy! I can listen to my songs now!
Now, I'm waiting for the ketibaan of my charger from my uncle. I left it at my grandmother's house, I told you that in the last post. Happy! Tommorow Pak Su come, and I found my earphones!
Well that's all. Nak sambung Prosa-ku lagi. I WON'T ONLINE NEXT WEEK UNLESS I HAVE FINISHED MY HOMEWORK. -please remind of me of this :)

P.s/ I'm thinking of how to a page in my blog + my Tumblr is under construction :D Tata!
Cantek tak earphone ne? Hehe! :)

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Guna Handphone ;)

Assalamualaikum, yang berada di luar sana. Hello! ;)

Its nighty time! Can't see the moon out right now. Moon- whypgo too soon? Hehe.I practically don't know what to say. Just wanna test this Samsung of mine,kadang-kadang pandai mintapuji ne handphone. Huhu. Fuhh. I am sleepy, still struggling to finish my homwork yg telah lama ditinggal zaman. About to finish 'Prosa Tradisional' part. 3 more to go! Cerpen, Drama and Novel. Hee :)))
Okay seja ini handphone skrg. Good Handphone, yang tak eloknya pemilik, kasi hilang charger at my grandparents house. What a shame, nasib my lil' brogave me an idea to use the USB port.So I did. Now I'm eagerly waiting for my uncles to come hehe! Kami menunggu Pak Su! ell I think thats all. Sorry sebab campur-campur bahasa! Kami
lasan nak fikir ayat English. Bye, people! Assalamualaikum :D

Sunday, 11 December 2011

I'm testing, my new header. I made it myself..Okay or not? Testing, testing 1,2,3. Keep smiling, hehe! :)
Used Picnik to edit it, Oh! I alomost forgot, this might be my last post. I am going to stop playing the computer for the next week so I can finish of my KOMSAS. Its only like 2 weeks left till the end of the holiday! Nooo!
I'm now at Prosa Tradisonal, wish me the best okay? Thankies, awesome people! That is all, I'm sleepy. Goodbye! Wassalam!~

I do this all the time.

Bye-bye, my lovely BloggieSpot. See you next week. Itu pun kalau tahan, HAHA! :)

Saturday, 10 December 2011


Hye, everybadyyy! Hehe. Assalamualaikum :)

Lama dah tak psoting tau. Bukan tak nak post, tapi terlampau busy..mencari theme baru and backround music.
Hahhhh! Susahnya, mencari. Berlebam mata tengok lappie. HAHA! Anyways, Alhamdulilah..Tukar theme dapat, nak cari backround music. Stressnya! Mau tanya Hera bha ni.. But she's not online. What a shame! I  have no idea on how to put music to my blog. I don't know why.. I'm kinda into Owl City, especially the Fireflies song. Its so cool and dreamy, for me-laa.. I don;t know what to talk about. A few days ago, I looked at a Tumblr website- Chibird, Its photos are awesome! Her's some picture about this post that I got from the webbie.

I Love My Music! 

Tolong-Menolong Amalan Mulia <3

 Here's the last picture! :)
You and You! :)

 Okayys, bubblebye everyone! :)

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Finally! Its Done!

Hey, dudes and dudettes! :)

Miss me? I've been tired lately and moody for a while. I don't know why? Anyways, today and yesterday I felt very pleased to have done all my homework! Except from KOMSAS. My Kemahiran Hidup, Geography, History, and Agama Islam homework have been completed! Alhamdulilah, thank you Allah for giving the strength! Yahoo! Jadi, I decided to take one day rest from homework and enjoy myself, maybe at night time I would be continuing my KOMSAS. Its long and very tiring to write it. Wish me the best in completing this task! Okayy, that's all for now. Bubblebye, people! :D

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Me and Super Mario

Hello! Assalamualaikum to stalkers, readers and bloggerpeeps. Haha.

Thought of telling you about my pretty fun day; Playing Super Mario on Its so much fun with the sound effects and the challenge is *I can't explain* Haha. I don't know why lately I have been kiddish-like. I didn't have the mood to Facebook right now. I just don't know why. Anywayssss, here's some pictures that I can't catogorize. ;P *Mostly with jewelry and girls stuff.

Good Friends! ;)

Have a nice day, teddy!


Glitter Galaxy ;)

*Keep Calm and Sparkle, bebeh!*

Well, that's pretty much all of the things I've gotta say. So Long! ;)

Friday, 2 December 2011

Cupcakes Again..

Hye!! :)

Did I ever tell you how much I adore cupcakes but I'm not really used to eating them. Haha! Pelik la, suka cupcake tapi tak suka makan. The main reason for it is because of its cream. Somethimes, cupcakes look beautiful, but they are filled with too much cream. So, pratically when I eat them I only taste the cream and not the cupcake. I am trying to find cupcake pictures here, and I'm having trouble finding good ones. Its okay. I've found you! Haha, take a look.

I like this box guy :)
 And here's another one..
This one got Choco-Chips :D
 And the last one..

Za' Cookie Monster! This one's awesome plus cute :)
 Haha, I have nothing to say right now. Well that's all! Bye-bye! See you later, alligator :D

Thursday, 1 December 2011

December Stars

December Stars

Hello, everybody and Assalamualaikum :)

Alhamdulilah, it almost a whole year now. Today is the 1st December 2011 and I'm happy to say its been quite a good year for me although there's a lot of obstacles coming in and out everyday.  Haha.

Dear December,
Please be a good month. Give me sweet and awesome memories to cherish on this day. Thank you<3
                                              Yours Sincerely;
KentangLenyek (WhippedPotatoLover)- Anis :) 

Its the holidays now, and I'm struggling to do my homework. Especially, KOMSAS! Its long and I have lots to write. Arggghhh! Stressed. You see anything new up there? Hehe, I made the picture at Picnik and took the pictures from the Internet *PictureStealer* Thank you to the people who 'gave' me the pictures. May you be blessed, eventhough I don't know if you actually exist or not. Well, that's for me, I wanna continue my KOMSAS now. So, Tata! and have a nice day people! ;)