Friday, 29 June 2012

Oh Sukan!

Assalamualaikum :)
Hello, Hollo. HyeHye. 

Haha. Segala jenis greeting la ada. Anyways, title of the post is about the of course-
Unfortunately. this year I didn't get any medal. How sad :'( 
Last year I did, which was a great start for me although it was in groups.
4X400m (PB)- Perak.
This year's acara for me is- 200m and 400m. 
Malangnyaaaa, acara berturut-turut, so I was very tired. [Please remember- Its a heck of the whole track]
Hahahaha, kalau tidak berturut-turut- InsyaAllah, dapat jugak pingat. 
Hahaha, berangan jer~ 
Well, who cares anyway? Rezeki tidak menyebelahi kita and the sad this is 
Farabi didn't get number 1 like last year. Which was unfair. 
[Pandai-pandai dia jak cakap UNFAIR]
Well, congratulations to AL-KINDI for winning, please remember- we gave you a chance~ 
Next year, its US again- Amin, InsyaAllah.
The good thing is, my sister- Kak Syikin Salman got the OLAHRAGAWATI :)
Yeahhhh! Tahniah la, kak :)

This is her. She is cute :3

This is a picture of me. Which is pretty embarrassing. 

My tudung is laaaaabuh :) Hha.
 and that's pretty much all that you guys need to know. 
I'm very happy that this year, my form [21st Generation] many did take part.
and it was a good thing that the Bicara Berirama got postponed so the guys also took part.
Well Done to all who participated. I hope they'll be much better happenings* next year. 
Till then- Hasta La Vista! :)

No.1~ Al-Khindi [Kuning]
No.2~ Al-Farabi [Hijau]
No.3~ Al-Biruni [Biru]
No.4~ Al-Khawarizmi [Merah]

This is moi :) 

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Just to Say

Assalamualaikum :)
Hollo.Hollo.Hello, peoples!

Guess what? - I have made my own TUMBLR :3 yeahhhh!
Setelah sekian lama menunggu, mencari idea, menggorek gambar, merepost. AKHIRNYAAA!
Tumblr is really awesome especially for photography-lovers. 
just like me. ehem, ehem :D
If any of you humans wanna follow me. (Please do! )
Click the link below.

Awesome kan nama Tumblr-ku??! HAHA.
"Fatini Loves Lasagna"


Anywayss, tomorrow our school's gonna start the Sports Day!
I'm kinda excited, but not that excited.
I just want to run and win. 
hahaha, not really. I wanna run slowSlow so I don't have to participate MSSD.
but I love running. :(
 Conflicts EVERYWHERE.
and.. Its at the Likas Stadium, so I get to buy the Roti Mat Salai! 
YAYYYY! hehe.
Well, thats all for this post. Gonna post another one. SPECIAL ONE :) teehee.
Toodles, Doodles. ^^

Friday, 15 June 2012

Results Oh Results :)

Assalamualaikum :D
Hollo humans, Hey! Hi! Bonjour!

Well today's post is about my results for the Mid-Year Exam [Sumatif I]
I have no idea what to post, but I just main posting-posting because I miss updating my blog.  :)
hahahahahahahahahah. Pandai pula manusia rindu update blog.
Anyways, Alhamdulillah my grades are okay although I found lots of zero's.
NOT 0% ----> 70,80,90 (100 tiada...)

Bahasa Melayu- B
Bahasa Inggeris- B
Bahasa Arab- A
Mathematics- B
Science- A
Sejarah- A
Geografi- A
K.Hidup- B
P. Islam A

Total: 5A's 4B's - Alhamdulillah :)

Most of them are over the hedge and the good thing is, I didn't get a C! :)
So, I've achieved my Umi's target. Yayyyy!

Its not easy for us to achieve our dreams,
but who says its IMPOSSIBLE? :)

Edited by me :)
 Now, I'm blank and I don't know what to say. 
Hahahahaha. Tercapai juga hajat update blog. and I'm hungry. 
So, Au Revoir! I'm learning French now! :) 
