Hello, Assalamualaikum :)
Before you read this, I want you to listen to this song! By- Sami Yusuf! :D
It's April! It's April! SUMATIF is near!! AGHHHH.
Heyy, everybadehhh. Long time, No See! Saya di sini menghadapi penyakit "MALAS" untuk mengupdate post di Blogspot ini. Sehhh! Yes, seriously though. I do feel lazy. Haha. What a shame.
Anyways, you pipols miss me ka? Buat apa mau miss? -Rugi mase nenek moyang aku je rindu kau. HAHA.
Is that answer in your head right now? If it was, then I'm awesome. ;D
Sooooooooooooo.... I have many types of story-naik-lorry to tell. First, I wanna ask. Do you people see transformers here? You see ka? You see???
I don't watch them though.. |
Okay, what I meant was.. TRANSFORMATION. You see them? If you don't, I advise you to go to the Doctor's. Because you have an eye problem. Yeahh. Terlebih simple. Saya sudah malas mau kasi hias-hias ini blog. Biarlah, its my blog. Actually, I wanna use blogskin. But, I have no professionalisme in that kind of stuff. So I just stay with my profession, EASY TEMPLATES. harhar :3
Its Yellow! Yeahh, one of my favourite colours ^^
You peoples still wanna read?
It came out of the blue! PINK! |
Hehe. Okaii. Here the train goes, first. Many things happened to me a few months lately such as;
> MTQ, (Majlis Tilawah Al-Quran)
Alhamdulilah, got 3rd place. I donno why, but this year's target is NOT to win. I feel to tired. I just don't know why. So don't ask. if you do. A nice present will be waiting. (A Slap) hee :)
> Drama (Garlic and Shallot)
Yes! I was chosen by Teacher Intan and Teacher Mimi to be in the drama. My role is. HAHA, no role. I just be the prompter. Bersyukur la jugak, at least dapat menyumbangkan sedikit jasa dengan menolong orang yang lupa skrip di atas pentas nanti. That's what PROMPTERS do. INTERESTING, right? Haha, kidding!
>Malapetaka (BANJIR!)
Adoyaiii. This is my worst part of this few months. My home was flooded, because some maniac forgot to close the pipe. Its so bad, my room got flooded! so did my good friend, Hera! hers too. Bikin SATARESS!
Who did this. Wallahua'lam.
Why you exist? saya stress sebab awak stress! |
So, humans. That's pretty much all. I AM TIRED of doing the KKS! plus Sivik work! Wish you the best!